Weather Alert
Marshall County, WV
Status: Alert Ended
Start: 4/23/24 9:39 AM
End: 4/23/24 8:00 PM
Dur: 10:21
Canceled 4/23/24 8:00 PM

Special Weather Statement issued April 23 at 9:39AM EDT by NWS Pittsburgh PA
Relative humidity falling to between 15 and 25 percent this afternoon and southeast winds of 10 to 20 mph with some gusts up to 20 to 30 mph will result in an increased risk of fire start and spread.
Please exercise caution if handling open flames or equipment that creates sparks. Dispose of cigarettes, matches, and other flammable materials in appropriate containers.
Any fire that gets started could grow out of control under these conditions.
West Virginia law prohibits burning in the spring from 7 AM to 5 PM...March 1st through May 31st. Overnight burning is highly discouraged at this time due to the risk of holdover embers heading into today.

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