Weather Alert
Pitt County, NC
Status: Alert Ended
Start: 7/23/24 4:33 AM
End: 7/23/24 6:00 AM
Dur: 01:27
Canceled 7/23/24 6:00 AM

Flood Warning issued July 23 at 4:33AM EDT by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC
...Observed flooding changed to Minor severity for the following rivers in North Carolina...
Green Mill Run At Green Mill Run in Greenville affecting Pitt County.

* WHAT...
Minor flooding is occurring.

* WHERE...
Green Mill Run at Green Mill Run in Greenville.

* WHEN...
Until further notice.

At 7.5 feet, Water likely covers portions of Charles Boulevard adjacent to the stream. The driveway for Bower Apartments becomes inundated with several feet of water, and is likely impassable. Water also spreads to portions of Ficklen Drive and Deck Street, and inundates portions of ECU College Hill parking lot.

- At 4:20 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 7.7 feet.
- Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 4:20 AM EDT Tuesday was 7.9 feet.
- Forecast...Minor flooding is expected to continue for a few more hours early this morning, then fall below flood stage by mid to late morning.
- Flood stage is 7.5 feet.

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